Dreams are not free

We all dream. Dream about new things, unforgettable travel trips, work promotions, new jobs, financial freedom, kids, you name it. We are grown humans, so we know dreams don’t usually come through a chimney. We know dreams require effort and commitment, and we are mostly ready for that. But do you know what we are not prepared for? Side effects. Yep. All dreams have side effects. We are so focused on achievements that we don’t even consider it.
Financial freedom and early retirement come with potential boredom and anxiety about market downs. A dreamwork at a famous company, a fat paycheck, and a feeling of stability have a downside of the necessity of coming to the office and not-so-long vacations. Kids come with sleepless nights and limited freedom.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not a pessimist. These things are just side effects. It means they don’t dominate. But, unfortunately, because most of us underestimate them and don’t expect their influence, these guys become notable.
As soon as we achieve the dream, we enjoy it for a while, but all these unexpected things start showing up and distract us. And suddenly, we begin focusing primarily on these side effects rather than on the bright sides of the achieved dream.
Unfortunately, figuring out all these side effects upfront is not possible. They are unique and depend on your personality and your specific dreams. There are some common, of course, but even if someone tells us about it, we wouldn’t listen to it. Come on! I want that dream! Don’t bother me with all this bullshit!
But they will eventually come. It’s not a question. And I found a personal solution for that. I hope it helps you as well.

1. Don’t overreact as soon as you start seeing some side effects. Take a pause. Think about it. You dreamed about it. You got it. You so badly wanted it, and now you are here! Appreciate yourself. Remember that once upon a time, it was just your dream! And now you have it! Hell yeah! You made it!

2. Yes, you don’t expect all these side effects. And it’s ok. But they are a part of the deal. Just get it. And maybe it sounds ridiculous, but try to enjoy these things. Try to absorb that pain and uncomfortableness that come with side effects. Pain is a sign of life. Just remember, it’s not just a random pain; it’s your payment for your dream. You feel it because you have much more now! Just think about it. You don’t sleep and are so tired because you are holding a warm sleeping cutie in your hands, who will be smiling at you when you wake up!

3. Don’t expect a lot. I wrote a post about it earlier, but in this case, it’s mostly about overexpectation of bright sides and underestimation of side effects. As soon as you have reached your dream, enjoy it. Enjoy all the goodness and badness of your new achievement. There is no way to get only good things. Our brain needs contrast. If we only get the good things, we will not understand that they are good. They will be just average, just nothing special. And even worse, some good things will become bad. It is called “The effect of blue dots”.

Yes, dreams are not free. But it’s ok. Just remember, it’s a price for your dream. And usually, it’s not so big, especially if you focus on what you get, and not on what you pay. Have a nice dream, folks!

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