You can be ok with problems

Shit happens, you know it. Big and small. More often and less. It just happens. But the problem is not a problem. The problem is how you feel about it.

Probably you know a few people who have a lot of problems. And you know some who don’t have it at all. But the truth is all of them have an almost equal quantity of that. It’s not about problems. It’s about how they deal with them and what is more important how they feel about them.

Every life situation could be a problem. It depends on how you see it. And no, I am not talking about foolish optimism. It’s not about searching good things in bad situations. It’s about your feelings. Has someone stolen your stuff? Or you lost money? Yes, it’s a problem. Some problems are because of you. You are a cause of it. Some of them are just happening. Sometimes we don’t choose the problems, but we always choose how to feel about it. That is entirely under our control! And here everything is starting to be simple. You can suffer on every small issue in your life. Or you can don’t feel bad even about huge problems.

Why? It’s a pure pragmatism. If you are in a depression from your problems, you don’t have enough power to fix them. As soon as you start to say “It’s ok, shit happens, let’s move forward,” your life changes. Even if your problems are still here, you are not with your problems. You are not the problem anymore. You are the solver. The problems are not problems for you from this point; they are just life situations.

Suffering, depression, all of them don’t bring any positive emotions and energy to you. They steal and suck the energy, like vampires. Choose what you want to feel about your problems. Probably you don’t believe me that you can just don’t feel bad about your problems, but you can. Yes, it takes some practice like everything in our lives. But it worths it, I swear. Just start with small problems. Does someone cut you on the road? Don’t be angry, don’t send fucks to the driver. Just let it go away. It’s not a problem for you anymore. Have you been fired recently? Yep, it could be a huge problem. But you can’t solve it if you will cry and drink. Just remember, shit happens. You are not unique. Say “it’s ok” and find a new job.

So, long story short. Stop negative emotions about your problems. They don’t help. Move forward. Life is short to spend it on regrets and suffering. Problems are just life situations. They could be huge, I know, sometimes you can’t control when they happen. But you can control how you feel about them. You can be ok with your problems. Right?

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